A framework to promote the satisfaction and progression of IMGs in rural GP pathways
GPSA is currently leading a collaborative project funded through RACGP’s Educational Research Grants, the goal of which is to develop a framework for the supervision of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to promote satisfaction and progression in rural GP pathways.
If you identify with any of the below-listed target cohorts and are interested in contributing to this body of work, the research team - made up of Chief Investigator A/Prof Belinda O'Sullivan, A/Prof Samia Toukhsati, and Drs Kim Omond and Neysan Sedaghat – invites you to enrol here:
- rural IMGs
- rural supervisors
- medical educators involved with IMGs
- health system stakeholders involved in rural pathways
Co-design focus groups will be held between March and May this year. A Project Advisory Group is overseeing the project, which will conclude in December 2025.
This study is also being promoted through GPRA, RACGP, ACRRM, Rural Workforce Agencies, Rural Generalist Programs, RDAA and IMG committees and employers. You are welcome to snowball these efforand invite others in your network.
Please read the EOI in the link above or contact [email protected] for more information.